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Find the latest news about TZMO and data for media.


Find the latest news about events and activities related to TZMO SA and our products.
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BellaPremier Happy HygieneCare Ltd. awarded for CSR activities in India

Contributing to society through business.
CSR activities (Corporate Social Responsibility) for many years have been an integral part of a strategy and philosophy of TZMO Group worldwide.

New Seni and Seni Care logo – time for a big change!

From the beginning of Seni brand, i.e. from 1997, we mark our products with the same logo:


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TZMO SA - visit of Mr. R.Lawrance Ashe,Jr - Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland to the State of Georgia.

From August 25th till August 27th at the invitation of TZMO SA Mr. R.Lawrance Ashe,Jr - Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland to the State of Georgia with the Spouse paid an official visit to Toruń.

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TZMO Group - interview for Polish Radio

TZMO SA was invited by Polish Radio for an interview concerning challenges and rewards of doing business in India.

August 13th, 1991 - special date in the history of TZMO Group

It was exactly 23 years ago, on August 13th 1991 at 1 p.m., when a crucial moment in the company's history occured: transformation of the former state-owned enterprise into a joint stock company ready to win a global market.
Natural persons i.e. employees as well as representatives of academic and medical environment created a joint stock company which buys business assets from the National Treasury.

Nowadays this privatization is pointed out as one of the biggest and most successful privatizations in Poland.

It is a very important day in the history of TZMO Group!

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TZMO GROUP - INDIA - Grand opening of a new logistics center Ambathurai

July 25, 2014 was held the grand opening of a new logistics center of the company BELLA PREMIER Happy HygieneCare Pvt.Ltd.  – member of the TZMO Group.

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XIV SENI CUP - Ordinary sport of extraordinary people

At the beginning of July 2014 in Toruń was played XIV Final Tournament SENI CUP.

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XX BELLA CUP is already behind us

From June 30th till July 6th, 2014 in Toruń was played the XX edition of the International Women's Tennis Tournament BELLA CUP with prize money $25 000.
BELLA CUP is a tournament belonging to the cycle of the International Tennis Federation (ITF WOMEN'S CIRCUIT).

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