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Find the latest news about TZMO and data for media.


Find the latest news about events and activities related to TZMO SA and our products.
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Mr. Jarosław Józefowicz with a commemorative plaque "Katarzyna in Gingerbread Avenue of Stars" in Torun.

It is with a great pride to share with you that Mr. Jarosław Józefowicz President&CEO of TZMO SA who will unveil a commemorative plaque called Katarzyna in Gingerbread Avenue of Stars in Torun.

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The biggest cultural event of the summer is knocking at the door!

Between 22nd and 27th of August Old City of Toruń will be the most magical place in Poland and Europe thanks to exceptional light instalations which will illuminate the City. 

More information along with detailed programm is available on:

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23rd International Women’s Tennis Tournament Bella Cup has been played

Chantal Skamlova from Slovakia is a champion of 23rd International Women’s Tennis Tournament Bella Cup with prize money of 25 000 usd. 

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TZMO SA won the business ambassador award

The Polish Radio announces awards for the first time.
In the category of Business Ambassador of the Republic of Poland the winner is TZMO SA.

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New headquarters of TZMO Benelux

May 16th, 2017 is another significant date in TZMO Group history. It’s when TZMO Benelux opened its new headquarters located in 's-Hertogenbosch, around 100 km from Amsterdam. New premises will serve as a marketing-training-logistic center.

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Ambassador of India to Poland in TZMO

His Excellency, Mr. Ambassador of India to Poland Mr. Ajay Bisaria paid a visit to TZMO. This another in a row visit was a great opportunity to discuss development of TZMO Group in India.


TZMO as an International Champion

TZMO with an award "Polish company - International Champion" in category of "Exporter. Polish private company - big enterprises".

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TZMO with "Brand of Export" award

Once again TZMO Group has been rocognized for the consistent development of business not only in Poland but also abroad.

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TZMO SA otrzymało Nagrodę Gospodarczą Prezydenta RP!

TZMO SA otrzymało Nagrodę Gospodarczą Prezydenta RP w kategorii „Odpowiedzialny Biznes”.


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XIX International Long-Term Care Conference

Michał Zaleski Mayor of Toruń speaking about XIX International Long-Term Care Conference which is held in Toruń between September 27th and 29th: "High prestige of this event in Toruń proves both its scientific reliability, international scope and great passion for learning. We have no doubt that in medical, social and business environments interested in long-term care this Conference is the most significant event being held in Poland".
Leading theme of this year Conference is "Family, environment, institution in long-term care".
